Paid focus groups are one of the best ways to earn some extra cash. Most market research studies are conducted online nowadays, and the convenience of participating in them from the comfort of your home can’t be overstated. There are a number of benefits to taking part in a focus group, including the possibility of making money from home. However, it’s important to remember that these groups don’t necessarily lead to a millionaire.
In addition to being based in the city, many companies also offer online focus groups. These online focus groups are conducted virtually and can take place anywhere in the United Kingdom, especially in smaller towns. There are several companies that offer this service, including some based in London.
Payment methods will vary depending on the company and project. They will usually be confirmed before the market research session.
While most focus groups are held in London, some are held in other cities, such as Manchester, Birmingham or Liverpool. Some of these focus groups are also conducted on weekends and evenings, so you can participate even if you don’t have time to leave your home. Some studies are even conducted online so that you can take part even if you’re working full-time. You will be compensated in cash and receive your payment promptly.
If you’re interested in participating in a paid focus group in London, there are a variety of companies that pay well. VocalViews provides an opportunity to participate in both face to face and online research. Sign up for to participate in market research here.